Crow Wing County allows for Class 1 and Class II
ATV operation on all County roads which includes
A valid driver’s license is required to operate an ATV
on a road right-of-way.
Persons operating ATVs on all County roadways
may operate the ATV on the right shoulder or the
extreme right-hand side of the road and make left
turns across the road only if it is safe to do so under
prevailing conditions.
No person shall operate an ATV on County roads at
CSAH 66, which is 20 mph maximum.
No person shall operate an ATV at a speed greater
than 20 miles per hour on County State Aid Highway
66 from the Junction of County State Aid Highway 3
in the City of Crosslake to the Junction of County
State Aid Highway 1 in the City of Manhattan Beach
No person shall operate an ATV in the bank or ditch
within the right-of-way of County State Aid Highway
66 from the Junction of County State Aid Highway 3
in the City of Crosslake to the Junction of County
State Aid Highway 1 in the City of Manhattan Beach
